Sunday, February 28, 2016

thirty-six {3/01/2016}

4 weeks to go! that's less than a month! 
+ i feel huge
+ baby loves to push his foot (elbow, hand..?) right into my stomach beside my belly button..cute, but sometimes a little painful
+ i love feeling this little boy move inside me! when he is awake, he is constantly moving, especially when we go watch eric play basketball..he goes crazy! started to feel sad just thinking about not having him in there anymore, but let's be honest. i cannot wait to meet him!!!
+ baby boy is ridin so low and has been putting lots of pressure on my pelvic area. let's just say it feels like I just finished a super long bike ride on a bike that had a very small bike seat..ouch! luckily ice and a pregnancy belly band relieve enough of the pain so I can still do stuff
+ speaking of doing stuff, i keep having relatively productive mornings, making me think i'm in my "nesting" stage (usually extreme the day before you go into labor), only to be completely exhausted by the afternoon. at least my house is getting clean, albeit slowly, but cleaner nonetheless
+ i've been having more frequent braxton hicks but not anything unmanageable yet
+ the diaper bag is packed for the hospital, and i can't stop thinking about packing my bag, but i definitely feel like it's a little early for that..maybe in a couple weeks, just in case baby boy decides to come a little early
+ i live in big tees and leggings 98% of the time. i put jeans on if we go out or something, but leggings are definitely my #1 pant these days
+did i mention i'm getting excited to meet this tiny human??
+ got the co-sleeper painted and started on the  diaper changing table/shelf. his room is closer to completion

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