Saturday, April 16, 2016

the delivery {march 30-31, 2016}

i went my whole due date with no contractions or signs of labor :(

5:30am: (wednesday, March 30) woke up with with a little bit of blood and miiild period-like, lower abdominal cramping. still bleeding 2 hours later (7:15) when I had to pee again. i knew my body was changing, but I've had so many other changes happen that I couldn't be positive that this was the real deal. i told Eric and we decided he'd wait to go to work til my midwife's office opened (at 8) and we could get in to make sure everything was still ok. we phoned hilary and gramps (he had golda's phone on his morning walk) to let them know what was going on and to get advice as to what we should do next. 

then it was time to call the midwife, and we killed time before our appt running some quick errands at the Walmart. we were both much too awake by this point to go back to bed. 

11:00am: the midwife student, karla, did my check. she measured me at 80%, 2cm! How could I have not only had ZERO progress in the last 2 weeks, but now I'm only at a 2cm?! what a devastating waste of time! we had to stop at Taco Bell on our way home to cope with the frustrations. once we got home we called Golda and Hilary with the [lack of] update, and went on a nice long walk. Still nothing. 

3:00pm: took Eric to math class and to do homework with a friend after--for sure there'd be no labor tonight..and I called Hilary so she'd know what was going on. we decided a prenatal spa day would be just what I needed to relax me and get me all pampered one last time before I'm a mother. we got it all scheduled and I went to lay down for my afternoon nap, and that's when it all started. 

4:30pm: i began feeling that cramping you get in your back while on your period around 4:30. I kept trying to sleep through it, thinking nothing of them each time they came. Then around 5 I decided to start timing them to see how long they lasted, and how far apart: 30 secs-1min, 15-20 mins apart. i didn't think much of it cuz I hadnt had braxton hicks contractions like this at all, and even if it was true labor, it could stay like this for days with little to no progression. 

I decided to distract myself by making some guac for dinner, as Eric would be home soon and ready to eat. When the contractions started coming every 10-12 mins I told Eric he better come home soon. He was home by 6, just when I couldn't get through the contractions on my own anymore. He would stand behind me and do hip squeezes or acupressure as I swayed my hips through the pain of each wave. We tried watching a show but it was too much for me to handle so we tried going on another walk...I made it about 50 feet before I had to turn around cuz the contractions were so intense. 

6:30pm I had to pee. On my way to the loo I thought I was gonna faint so I laid on the ground. It was still light out. Eric aided me through contraction after contraction as they came, each one a little closer together than the last one.
Soon they were more intense than ever, and coming every 3-5 mins. I knew I had to get up and go downstairs before we could be on our way so I began getting myself up slowly. It was now 8:30pm and dark out. Time seemed to fly by! Eric began gathering the last couple things and loading up the car inbetween contractions, and continuing to help me during contractions as i made my way to the car. The car ride wasn't all that bad. We were talking about something so important that Eric forgot to turn toward the hospital!!! So we ended up taking a little bit longer route. I texted Marsh, hannah and Hilary that we were on our way to le hospital! This was the real deal! 

9:05 We arrived to the hospital and slowly made our way up to the delivery wing. 
Contraction outside the hospital, in the elevator, at the check in desk, on our way to triage, while we waited for the midwife in triage, etc. We prayed for progression. 5cm and 100%!! The midwife asked us "Do you want to stay?" What kind of question is that?! Of course we do! I was so ready to finally meet my little man and he was coming soon!!! We got settled into our room and the nurse began asking questions as she monitored baby's heart rate and the contractions.

My midwife was next door finishing the final stages of delivery with another mommy. I heard screaming through the thick walls and just wanted to give up before things even really started. I was so scared for what was ahead! It wasn't until that baby was delivered that midwife Rachel and student Karla came to my room and I was able to get off the monitors. Rachel immediately ripped everything off me and sent me to the jacuzzi room. Karla came with us to the jacuzzi and just hung out while we worked our way through. with contractions still in my back, the jets felt wonderful as I focused on a spot on the wall and stayed on top of my breathing, swaying my hips all the while. 

11:00pm: Hilary arrived. She had so much to talk with Karla about that I began to get distracted from my focal point and breathing. Eventually I asked that they be quiet so i could keep my focus. Hil rubbed my feet while I held(squeezed) Eric's hand and the side rail of the tub. 

11:15pm: the water got to cold so we made our way back to our room, contraction, contraction, contraction. we raised the bed so I could stand and lean over it for a while. Intensity growing with each contraction. Then my body needed a rest so we lowered the bed and we did some monitoring. 

12:30am: I had the urge to push. 9cm. Karla and Rachel gave me the go ahead to push my way through the next contraction. Woosh! My water burst and splashed alllll over Karla! We were ready to go! The first few contractions of pushing were so awkward and painful and seemed to be going nowhere. I wanted to just give up. "This isn't working!!" I said with utter exhaustion. "That's not true, you're doing great!" They all said. "keep going and he'll be here soon!" "You are so strong!" 

My second wind came in a rush. With each contraction I found myself pushing to exhaustion and then giving one more good strong push. Finally close to crowning! "Oh my is that his little head/hair?" Hilary asked. I was so focused and in my zone that I could barely hear, let alone make sense of what Hilary just said. I knew I was getting close. A few more strong pushes and we were at the head. Ouch! I started to push so hard and then tried to push even harder. They said he's crowning and asked if I wanted to watch. NO WAY!! I was not about to watch my body stretch and tear. Save that for the next one. I could feel his little head stretching me even to the point of tearing. That did not feel good, but the harder I pushed the faster I'd get that pain over with and the sooner I get to meet this little human we created. 

I got the head out! I watched as Karla pulled the cord out from around his neck and over his head. Then it was time to deliver the rest of his tiny body. One more contraction and he'd be in my arms! I was so full of emotions: determination, excitement, peace, accomplishment, pain, fear, etc. 

1:03am: my perfect, blue, calm baby was just placed on my chest. 
He pooped on me the whole way up my stomach, and we were now both covered in a little blood, but I didn't even care. We did it! And with Eric's coaching, completely unmedicated and just as planned! . He's here and he totally looks like a [VERY purple] Sterling! He was clearly breathing, but he hardly made a sound. It was just me and him, staring in each other's eyes. 
Eric was such a champ the whole time, and we were both instantly smitten by this fresh little babe..our little babe. 

The healthy placenta was delivered and Eric cut the cord. 
Karla, supervised by Rachel went to work stitch in me up--honestly more painful than the actual delivery. Then they took Sterling for some monitoring and cleaned him up a little for his measurements

The first bath:

When it was my turn to get cleaned up, I couldn't handle all the blood and began to pass out. I had to lie down on the bathroom floor til it passed. 

3:00am: I was wide awake and full of adrenaline. I FaceTimed my parents to show off my new baby. I ate a few snacks and drank a ton, and then spent the rest of those early morning hours staring in awe at this precious human

Sure there was pain, but I couldn't have asked for a better experience, better nurses, or a better coaching team. It was all perfect. 

forty! forty! forty! {march 29, 2016}

+ this is it!!! finally my due date has arrived
+ still no real sign of labor aside from the ordinary braxton hicks, and still no progression
+ still love loooong walks
+ and naps :)
+ we've been going out to eat a lot this week, enjoying our last moments of "just us" time.
+ we've also been frequenting the local theaters, watching daddy's home, eddie the eagle, and allegiant
+ eric is days away from finals week!!! hope he's not testing when i go in to labor...
+ i'm starting to get nervous for real, actual labor..will my body actually know what to do? will i be strong enough? will my baby survive this last stage before i finally get to meet him? how will i be able to handle the pain? will eric be able to help? will eric be able to handle me being in that much pain? when is baby boy gonna get here? who is gonna deliver me? will hilary be able to make it? etc!
+ this is such a big deal, and i feel a little bit anxious to not have any control over when/how it will happen

Friday, April 8, 2016

week 39 [march 22, 2016]

this week's appointment was tough. I thought for sure i would have progressed further by now, but still no progression from last week.

++ i am ready to POP!
+ i love to go on long walks around town while talking to my sisters. i think it helps pass the time
+ naps are also my favorite
+ i've been working on some knitting projects to bide the time: rose blanket, red "Daniel Tiger" sweater for jacob, etc. soo relaxing

+ this waiting game is killing me!!!! but it'll be worth it to have a healthy baby