Friday, March 18, 2016

quick bumpdate {38.5 weeks}

today I had my 38 week appointment with my midwife. baby boy is so ready to come!! ...or maybe i'm just ready for him to be here already..
+ my uterus is 'measuring' 37cm, which is kind of small, but how accurate is that measurement anyway..?
+ cervix is 80% effaced and 3cm dialated!
+ im trying not to get my hopes up because i could stay that way for a week++ but we are definitely getting closer!!
+ but needless to say all my bags are packed and we are ready to go when the time comes
+ car seat doesn't get here til monday so im actually kind of hoping he waits a couple more days to come
+ iron supplements give me burps that taste like rust :/ but I'm hoping they'll give me the boost I need to get through labor

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