29 weeks and counting! baby boy is very active, morning afternoon and evening. i love waking up to his double-sided kicks and movements. it's hard for me to remember that he is still tiny..when I think of him he is a full grown baby, but he's really still just tiny (size of a cauliflower).
now for the update: Christmas break was so good! my sisters threw me a surprise baby shower. Yes, shockingly it was a complete, 100% surprise! Ashley was excited to be the party planner. Elise sent all the supplies and instructions to make iron-on onesies. Marsh, Steph, Emery, Ashley, Lauren, Anni, Hannah, and Hailey showered baby boy with some really cute clothes, books and other baby items, and we shared some precious time talking about hardships, blessings, good times, etc of becoming a mother and the adjustment of being first time parents.
What a lovely bunch of girls💕
The day before Eric and I left tree farm, Amanda Peck threw me another baby shower with all the sweet ladies in the ward I grew up in. Baby and I were again showered with even more cute gifts: clothes, toys, diapers, blankets, etc. We feel so overwhelmingly loved!
And now we are back in Rexburg, ID for yet another semester of classes and homework and stress and studying and baby appointments. Eric is taking a relatively full load of courses and is working (cleaning the I-center, a building on campus). I on the other hand am taking just 7 credits: cultural influence, wedding/event planning, and Old Testament With Eric and some other friends. That comes out to one class a day for me, with baby appts every 2-4 weeks.
I am very much so looking forward to the end of this semester, to being done with classes, but more importantly to meet this tiny being that has been growing inside of me for 6.5 months now.
I had the coolest dream the other night: I was going into labor and the nurse told me to rest up for the intense amount of work I I was about to have to do(it's not called labor for nothin). I woke up (still in my dream) and baby boy was lying right next to me. Red-ish blonde hair, the sweetest face, wearing a blue onesie with anchors on it that my mommy got for him. I was waiting for him to wake up so i could hold him and learn how to feed him, when I awoke from the dream.
I think that dream was meant to happen. I had been kind of stuck in self-destructive mode regarding my weight gain, my low unattractive preggo belly, etc. I was so mean whenever I saw myself in the mirror or in pictures, just tearing myself down any chance I got. That dream, along with finally being able to feel the little guy's constant movements, has literally transformed me-- my thoughts and feelings toward myself and the whole being pregnant thing. I can now honestly say that I am in love with it.
I love the way my body is handling the changes and growth.
I love that my body was built to grow this precious little guy, and hopefully many more to come.
I love that I get to have this special bond with this little human.
I love that I get the privilege of being a mother.
I love that I married someone who shares the same feelings of the preciousness of life and creation.
I love that this man of my dreams is also a hard worker and will be the best father to our littles.
I love the spare time I have to think about our baby boy and prepare myself and our home for his arrival.
Oh the immense love I feel for this little guy!